The Council, Cabot Learning Federation and Aquaterra say they are pleased to announce that they are finalising an agreement that would enable continued public use of Culverhay Sports Centre beyond 30th June 2013.
This has been made possible by the continuation of financial support from Bath & North East Somerset Council to keep the facilities open.
Councillor David Dixon (Lib-Dem, Oldfield), Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods, said, “In response to Bath Community Academy requesting assistance from Bath & North East Somerset Council to keep Culverhay Sports Centre open for community use, we are willing to provide financial support to achieve this for at least the next year.
“This will give the School, with support from the Council, the opportunity to consider the best long-term options for the future of the facilities. The good news for local people is that because of level of our financial commitment the Sports Centre will remain open for business as normal.”
Adam Williams, Principal at Bath Community Academy said, “The Cabot Learning Federation is delighted that there has been a positive outcome to the recent discussion with the local authority with regard to the immediate future of the community sports provision on the site of Bath Community Academy. The federation and BCA have always been committed to the local community having the best facilities possible and we are pleased that we have been able to play a part in this positive decision.”
Under the arrangement the facilities, leased by Cabot Learning Federation from the Council, will continue to be run by Aquaterra. The financial commitment from the Council and Cabot Learning Federation is worth £90,000 and will enable the existing community and student use to be continued.