Local residents are being encouraged to attend a drop-in session Saturday 27th September, to discuss plans for a new community space at Fairfield Park.
The space, on land between Fairfield Park Road and Fairfield Avenue, is likely to include allotment plots for residents and community groups; woodland play and education areas and habitats managed for wildlife.
To develop ideas further, the Council wants to hear the views of local residents and interested community groups at the drop-in session, which will be held at St Marks Church of England School, Bay Tree Road, Bath, BA1 6ND from 10am – 1pm.
Cllr David Dixon, Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods (Lib Dem, Oldfield) said: “We want to encourage a strong community input into the design and management of this new community space.
“We want local people to tell us how they want it to look, what sorts of features and activities they would like to see happen there and we want their help to make it happen.”
A more detailed consultation will follow later this year, with work planned for early 2015.
You can find out more here www.bathnes.gov.uk/fairfield-allotments or contact Paul Pearce on 07530 263542 / [email protected]
1 Comment
Wednesday 24th September, 2014 at 09:39As one of the Lambridge Ward Councillors I’m pleased to have help initiate this ecologically and environmentally sound idea with B&NES Senior Environmental Planning Manager. Over the past few days I have delivered over 300 leaflets around Fairfield Park and would urge all to come to St Marks on Saturday and meet with Cllr Bryan Chalker and me.
Cllr Dave Laming
B&NES Independent Councillor for Lambridge
B&NES Independent Group Leader
Bath & N E Somerset Council’s River Champion
Vice-Chairman of the Strategic River Group
Vice-Chairman of The River Regeneration Trust