A call-in to review the decision not to provide warm water swimming provisions at locations across Bath & North East Somerset has been dismissed, after the panel voted to uphold the original proposals.
As part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s open and transparent decision making processes, the recent decision by Cabinet (made at its meeting on 31st March 2017) was reviewed by the Communities Transport & Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel held at a public meeting on Tuesday, 2nd May.
The Call-In followed a decision by the Cabinet Member for Community Services on warm water provision within the refurbishment plans for Bath and Keynsham leisure centres.
13 councillors formally asked for the Cabinet Member’s decision to be reviewed – or Called-In.
The call-in petitioners were concerned on the following grounds:
- The proposed depth of the teaching pool (0.9m – 1m) will be insufficient for the needs identified by Warm Water Inclusive Swimming and Exercise (WWISE) group.
- Therefore the provision of these facilities does not constitute a ‘reasonable adjustment’ based upon the respective needs of the core user and the needs identified by WWISE.
The call in process means that an executive decision, which has been made but not yet implemented, can be scrutinised to check that it was made following the correct evidence and procedures.
The original decision resolved the following:
- The Council provide teaching pools at both facilities, with warmer water (30-32 c), than the main pool at a depth of 0.9 – 1m which is the standard depth and temperature for a pool of this type. These pools will be designed in partnership with Sport England to ensure they meet the accessibility guidelines as far as reasonably practical within the constraints of a refurbishment.
- The provision of these facilities constitutes a reasonable adjustment based upon the respective needs of the core user and the needs identified by the WWISE group while maximising the use for all users. The provision minimises the risks to safety of users, the capital and revenue impacts and the deterioration of premises that operating a permanent dedicated warm water facility would entail.
Proposals were submitted by WWISE to provide examples of what they would like to see at Bath Leisure Centre.
To assist in their deliberations, the Panel listened to the views and asked questions of the Cabinet Member for Community Services, Councillor Martin Veal, senior Council officers, and a representative, Councillor Dine Romero, on behalf of those Councillors who signed the request to review the decision for the Call-In request. There was also written evidence from members of the public.
Having considered the evidence, the panel voted to dismiss the call-in and allow the decision to be implemented as set out.