Liberal Democrats in B&NES are speaking out against proposals included in the emerging West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) for a bypass to the South of Saltford.

Image courtesy of B&NES Council
The proposals, which are open for public consultation between now and 19th December, would see a Rapid Transit public transport corridor on the A4 and new road links between existing A-roads, as well as the Saltford by-pass.
Cllr Dine Romero, leader of the Lib Dem Group on B&NES Council said: “The Saltford by-pass is a local Tory pet project, not supported by residents or local businesses, yet Saltford Conservative ward councillors are pushing for it.
“They wrote that they would ‘ensure the possibility of a Saltford by-pass is within the West of England’s long term transport plans’ in political literature last year.”
“The Liberal Democrat Group completely rejects this plan. A Saltford by-pass would mean the loss of green belt, inevitable housing in-fill, and would threaten the viability of Saltford’s shops and businesses. I urge local residents to respond to the consultation which is open now.”
Duncan Hounsell, Chair of Keynsham and Saltford Liberal Democrats, said: “The Lib Dems have been consistently opposed to the Tory by-pass plan. The Conservatives included it as an aspiration in the Joint Local Transport Plan 2010.
“The Lib Dems had that reference removed when in power at B&NES Council 2011-15.”
“This issue is about the future of Saltford. A by-pass would make Saltford a dormitory village and not the thriving, vibrant community it is today. This is the biggest threat that Saltford has ever faced.”
Andy Wait, Lib Dem spokesperson in Keynsham East, added: “The threat to the green belt is real. Manor Road Community Forest is a haven for residents and wildlife will be destroyed. A by-pass will lead to housing in-fill and the merging of Keynsham and Saltford.”