Lib Dem councillors have tabled formal challenges to two decisions taken by the Conservative Cabinet last week to downgrade library services across Bath and North East Somerset.
The call ins relate to: E2999 “Modern Libraries Bath – Consultation outcomes and proposals”, by which the administration will press ahead with the plan to merge the Bath One Stop Shop and Central Library; and E3000 “Modern Libraries – Community Library approach”, by which parish or town Councils or community groups would be asked to take over library provision in areas previously served by branch and mobile libraries.
If validated, a call in scrutiny hearing will be held within 14 working days, in public.
Following this, if the panel upholds the call ins, the Cabinet will be forced to look at their decision again, within 10 working days. However, if the call in is dismissed, the original decision will go ahead.
Councillor Richard Samuel (Walcot), who is the Lib Dem spokesperson on Community Services, commented: “This Conservative administration is completely failing residents on libraries. Together, these two policies represent an enormous change to services for people in almost every part of Bath and North East Somerset.
“Many Bath people don’t want the One Stop Shop to be merged into Bath Central Library as it will disadvantage people who use both services, yet the Conservatives refuse to listen and did not include a co-location question in the recent, limited consultation.
“Many rural and suburban communities don’t have the capacity to run library services after branches and the mobile library are cut, yet the Conservatives have not even held an open, public consultation on these plans.
“These plans were signed off despite the lack of clarity around the costs and possible savings, the absence of information about ownership of branch libraries and the need for an assessment of the impact on services, amongst many other issues.”
Councillor Dine Romero (Southdown), Leader of the Lib Dem Group, added: “Yet again the Conservative administration is proving they are not interested in residents’ views and are trying to push through two ill-thought through schemes with little evidence or consultation.
“This call in will be an opportunity for residents and Councillors to look in-depth at the Cabinet’s decision making and challenge them on the details of their plans.”
Cllr Karen Warrington, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Transformation & Customer Services, said: “It’s deeply disappointing that the Lib Dems have decided to treat a valued local service as a party-political football, rather than engage constructively with the Council on ways to make our library service sustainable for the future.
“This irresponsible approach would blow an £800,000 hole in the Council finances and simply put our libraries at greater risk in future.
“Whilst other Councils are closing libraries, we are seeking innovative solutions to keep our libraries open and make sure they adapt to the needs of modern library users. We have listened to the views expressed during the consultation on the future of Bath Library, deciding to integrate the Library and One Stop Shop at the Podium site, which gained the most support.
“I think most residents would see this as a sensible way of protecting Bath’s Library and ensuring it is sustainable for the long-term, whilst at the same time investing in the service to respond to the changing way people use libraries in the 21st century.”
On the Council’s Community Libraries programme, Cllr Warrington added: “By providing upfront investment and ongoing support from the Council, community-led libraries have proven to be a successful way of protecting and even expanding local library provision.
“We have already said that we won’t be taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach, and will be working closely with community groups and parishes on the best approach in each area.
“It’s also a shame that the Lib Dems are scaremongering about the future of our area’s mobile library provision, when we have been clear that this is not being axed.”