Ben Howlett, Bath’s MP, has raised the matter of bomb hoaxes with the Home Office, following the evacuation of Combe Down Primary School on Friday morning.
The school received a phone call on Friday morning which threatened that there may have been a device on the premises.
The school took immediate action to evacuate the pupils and staff, and called the police.
Following a thorough search of the school, no device was found and officers believe the call was a hoax.
Ben said: “It is important to ensure valuable police resources are not taken up with hoax calls, but similarly you cannot ignore a threat as was made to the school.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the authorities involved in ensuring the safety of pupils and staff at Combe Down Primary.
“I recognise how worrying the event must have been for parents and stress how important it is to follow any such police advice.
“I have already raised the matter with the Home Office to ensure steps are being taken to prevent such an event happening again.”