The Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust is looking for seven Public Governors to help shape its services and plan for the future.
The vacancies, created by the current seven Governors coming to the end of their term of office, are in the City of Bath, Mendip, South Wiltshire, North Wiltshire, North East Somerset and the Rest of England and Wales constituencies.
The role of a Governor is to help ensure that the Trust delivers services that meet the needs of patients, carers, staff and local stakeholders, and that the views of local people are heard and fed back to the Board of Directors.
Alison Ryan, Trust Chair, said: “The last few months have been among the most challenging that the Trust has ever faced. The COVID-19 pandemic – a health crisis like nobody had ever seen before – placed unprecedented challenges and incredible pressures on the RUH and NHS services across the country.
“Coronavirus required us to work in new ways. Many staff volunteered to be redeployed to other roles across the hospital, ensuring we had staff where we needed them most.
“We also held more virtual clinics with patients – one of several successful new ways of working that we will continue to use going forward.
“Now, as the RUH begins to return to ‘business as new usual’, we’re looking for members of the public, patients and anyone who has an interest in shaping our services for the benefit of the community to consider becoming a Public Governor.
“This is an exciting time to be joining the Trust and we welcome candidates who have time, energy, enthusiasm and a strong desire to be involved who will make enthusiastic ambassadors for the hospital.
“Currently our BAME communities are under-represented on the Council of Governors so we would particularly welcome candidates from a BAME background.
“I have worked with Governors for the last six years, including throughout the pandemic, and found their insight and challenge invaluable and I want that to continue.”
Jacek Kownacki, Public Governor for North Wiltshire, said: “I cannot think of anything more rewarding than being a Public Governor, in terms of putting something back into our society.
“Some of the best ideas for improving our services come as a result of your positive views and discussions with the Governors.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more crucial to maintain and build upon the links between the RUH and the community that it serves and Governors play a vital role in this.”
Nominations open on Thursday 27th August and will close at 5pm on Tuesday 22nd September.
You need to be a member of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust to be eligible to stand in the elections. No formal qualifications are required. To become a member, join here.
From 27th August you will be able to request a nomination form directly from UKEngage or via the details below:
- Tel: 0345 209 3770, 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday
- Email: [email protected] Web:
- Post: UK Engage Image House, 10 Acorn Business Park, Heaton Lane, Stockport SK4 1AS
Voting opens on Wednesday 7th October and will run until 5pm on Friday 31st October. The results will be announced on Monday 2nd November 2020.
For more information about the elections process and becoming a member, contact the Membership Office on 01225 821262 or email [email protected].