People living in Bath who have a long-term health condition are being urged to get their free flu jab from the NHS this autumn, in a bid to prevent their conditions becoming worse.
Flu can be very serious for people with long-term health conditions, even if their condition is well-managed, and catching flu can make the effects of an existing condition worse.
It also makes complications like pneumonia more likely.
Paula Jackson, Consultant in Public Health, NHS England South (South Central) said: “Anyone with a long-term health condition who is under 65 years old needs to get their vaccination to stay protected against the flu.
“Evidence suggests that people with chronic liver disease, neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, or people with learning disabilities are particularly at risk from flu and historically less likely to be vaccinated than people with other long-term conditions.
“The flu vaccine is free because you need it. If you have a long-term health condition you will have been invited to a flu vaccination clinic by your GP.
“It’s important to get vaccinated every year to protect yourself against the current strains of the virus. I urge anyone who has not had the jab yet, to get it straight away.”
As well as attending a flu vaccination clinic, people under 65 years old who fall into the ‘at risk’ category can get a free flu jab from their local community pharmacy.