The Health and Wellbeing Board will be coming together on Tuesday 30th January, to discuss the review of the Mental Health Pathway, which took place from May 2017 to October 2017.

Image courtesy of B&NES Council
This was undertaken by the Council and Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), with support from Virgin Care as the prime provider of community services.
The review set out to determine the best model for the future commissioning of community statutory mental health services across health and social care.
The report presented at the meeting will provide a summary of the feedback and findings from the review, and suggest recommendations for further areas of work.
The Health and Wellbeing Board will have the opportunity to feedback on this report and support for areas of further work.
It will also provide an understanding of the proposed allocation of resources and processes involved in future contracting arrangements of this care.
Cllr Vic Pritchard (Conservative, Chew Valley South), Co-Chair of the Health and Wellbeing and Council Cabinet member for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “This is a vital opportunity to continue to review the approach to mental health care within Bath & North East Somerset, and for the Board to provide further feedback and support for future work”.
Dr Ian Orpen, Co-Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board and Clinical Chair of the CCG said: “For this review a wide range of people shared their experiences of community mental health services with us. We would like to thank everyone who contributed from those who provide services, to those who use services and the people who care for them.”
As part of the meeting, the Health and Wellbeing Board will also be discussing the draft plan for Children and Young people for 2018-2021.
The Children and Young People group takes the strategic lead in developing a local children and young people’s plan.
At the meeting, the Board will be asked to endorse the draft plan, and for each agency to support and promote the outcomes and priorities within their service delivery to children, Young People and their families.
The board will also be asked to endorse the draft CAMHS transformation plan for 2017-2018, which details the range of additional support commissioned by the CCG, Local Authority and schools to improve children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting, which will take place from 10:30am-12:30 pm on Tuesday 30th January in the Kaposvar Room, Guildhall, Bath.