Latest figures for children’s performance in schools across Bath and North East Somerset are highlighting improvements above national averages for all key stages.
The provisional figures show that pupils in their final year of primary school achieving expected standards has risen to 68%, compared to a national average of 65%.
Children at the end of their Reception year are achieving good levels of development, with 74% meeting the benchmark against 72% nationally.
The success story for Bath and North East Somerset continues, with increases in the proportion of pupils achieving grade 4 in English and mathematics at GCSE, as well as the average ‘A’ level grade rising to above national figures.
Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “The continued improvement shown in these latest figures is testament to the hard work of pupils and the dedication of their teachers with the more challenging curriculum that has been introduced in recent years.
“We would like to congratulate all of the pupils in Bath and North East Somerset on their strong achievements and thank the teachers for their continued hard work.”
The provisional figures show an increase in the proportion of children achieving a good level of development at the end of their reception year from 73% to 74%, compared to a national figure of 72%.
This shows that more children now have a solid foundation to their learning journey through primary school and beyond.
There’s also been a rise in the proportion of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics at Key Stage 1, which has risen to 66.2% compared to a provisional national figure of 64.9%.
An increase has been reported in Key Stage 2 of the proportion of children achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics to 68% compared to a provisional national figure of 65%.
There has also been a rise in the proportion of pupils achieving the higher standard in all three subjects to 13%, compared to 11% nationally. This shows strong performance by primary schools in this area.
At GCSE, there has been an increase in the proportion of pupils getting at least a grade 4 (the old C grade) in English and mathematics to 70.3%, which is well above the national figure for 2018 of 64.4%. There’s been an increase in the Attainment 8 score to 48.9, again above the 2018 national figure.
There has also been a rise in the average grade at ‘A’ level across B&NES, up to nearly halfway between a grade C and a B. This is above the national average for 2018.
Increases in the point scores for pupils taking applied and technical qualifications at the end of sixth form have also been recorded.