Researchers at the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology are on the lookout for local volunteers to help with a new study looking into the effects of chronic pain on our bodies.
Chronic pain is pain that has been experienced most days for at least three months.
Often suffers experience extreme sensations in their limbs – sometimes this is caused by a previous injury, whereas other times there is no obvious cause.
As a particularly debilitating condition, yet with little known about how it develops, the researchers for this study want to look at the way information processing differs between people with and without chronic pain.
For the study they need both people who have chronic pain symptoms as well as people who have no symptoms.
To be eligible, you should have no history of epilepsy or neurological injury. The research takes place at the University of Bath and takes 3 to 4 hours.
Lead researcher Dr Antonia Ten Brink from the Department of Psychology explained: “Chronic pain occurs in 20% of the population and it can challenge emotional and physical well-being.
“There are many chronic pain conditions for which there is no clear physical cause. In this study we want to find out more about the underlying causes for chronic pain conditions, which could help us in the development of new treatments.”
To take part, Email Antonia on [email protected]; or to find out more, visit: