Liberal Democrat Councillors in Bath have met with the Chief Executive of the Cabot Learning Federation, the Academy Chain which sponsors Bath Community Academy, to discuss the future of the school.
It was announced last week that the Cabot Learning Federation are taking steps to close the Bath Community Academy.
Councillor Dine Romero (Southdown, Lib Dem) commented: “Lib Dem Councillors from South West Bath wards had a positive meeting with Steve Taylor, the Chief Executive of the Cabot Learning Federation.
“We were grateful for Mr Taylor’s assurances that support will be put in place for children who are currently working towards their GCSEs.
“We also welcome his agreement that there is a need for continued education provision on the Bath Community Academy site.
“The discussion now needs to be about transformation rather than closure. This needs to be the right sort of provision for the community and for the city as a whole.”
“We intend to call a public meeting with parents and the local community in the near future, probably in September. This will be an opportunity for an exchange of information and views.”