Students who have made an outstanding contribution to the city of Bath are in line for a new award announced by the Chair of Bath and North East Somerset Council.
Nominations are being asked for a student or group of students from either of the city’s universities and from Bath College.
Announcing the award, the Chair of Bath and North East Somerset Council, Councillor Cherry Beath, said: “As a university city, Bath very much gains from the active involvement of students from our two universities and from Bath College.
“I am pleased to be making this award, which will highlight the great contribution that students make to our city.”
Kalyn Mallard, of the Student Community Partnership, added: “We are very pleased that students who contribute to our city are being recognised in this way.
“It’s easy to make a nomination, so please start sending them in now. The closing date for nominations is 16 February.”
The award will be presented to a student or a group of students who have made an outstanding contribution to the City of Bath.
This can include any aspect of living in the city that benefits other people – for example building good neighbourly relationships, doing acts of kindness, working as a volunteer, having an active involvement in local communities, and helping people in need.
The presentation will be made at the Living Together conference, which will be held at The Forum in Bath on 7th March, from 1- 4.30pm.
The conference brings together students and staff from the two universities and from Bath College with residents and with the council, as well as the police, and from local churches.
The event is free and bookings can be made by going to and searching for Living Together.
Nominations for the award should include the following, either for an individual, or for each student in a group:
- Name and address of student(s)
- Name of University or College
- Name of course
- Length of course
- In which year
- Email address
- Mobile number
They should also include a description of the contribution that the student or group makes to the City of Bath, including:
- What they do
- How often, for how long
- Who benefits, and in what way
If you would like to nominate a student, or a group of students, end an email to [email protected] and ask for a nomination form or click here
Each nomination must be signed by two people, both of whom have direct experience of what the student(s) are doing and the nomination must in by 16th February.