95% of families in Bath and North East Somerset have been offered their preferred choice for primary school places for 2017/18, with over 1500 applications received by the local authority.
The total number of applications received from Bath and North East Somerset residents was 1,798.
1,706 pupils were offered their first preference school, 64 pupils were offered their second preference and 12 pupils offered their third preference.
16 pupils were not offered a place at any of their preferences and were offered a place at their next nearest school with a place available. This process is known as referrals.
The number of pupils offered their first preference has increased by 2% in 2016/17 when the figure was 93%.
Councillor Michael Evans (Conservative, Midsomer Norton, North) Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “This is good news for families in Bath and North East Somerset who have applied for a primary school place for 2017/18 with the majority getting their first preference.
“Bath and North East Somerset has many good or outstanding primary schools meaning that places are always in high demand. We work hard to ensure the families applying for the available places are offered one of their three preferences and it’s good to see the numbers have increased from last year.”
A total of 56 applications were also received from families living in other Local Authority areas.
Of these 42 pupils received an offer of their first preference, seven pupils were offered their second preference and seven pupils were offered their third preference.