Volunteers of all ages including litter pickers, carers and support workers have all been celebrated in Bath & North East Somerset’s Chairman’s Community Awards this year.
Chairman of the Council Councillor Ian Gilchrist, presented the 18 awards in front of an audience of more than 300 people at the Guildhall in Bath on Thursday, 4th February.
The winners were chosen from 106 nominations and new to this year’s awards was the Carer of the Year award, for which Sirona Care and Health partnered with the Council to help highlight the important roles carers undertake.
Councillor Ian Gilchrist, Chairman of Bath & North East Somerset Council, said: “Once again it was brilliant to see so many nominations for people who do great things in our communities across Bath and North East Somerset.
“It was an honour to present the worthy winners with their awards and I would like to congratulate and thank all of them for the admirable work they do.”
As part of the ceremony, the Chairman honoured the late Peter Duppa Miller, who lived in Combe Hay, by renaming the Lifetime Achievement award in his honour in order to recognise his life commitment to community work.
Councillor Martin Veal (Conservative, Bathavon North), former Chairman and current Cabinet Member for Community Services, said: “The decision to rename the Lifetime Achievement Award to honour Peter Duppa Miller is one that was instigated and fully supported by the Council and all its politicians.
“It is wonderful that this award will carry Peter’s name in recognition of the magnificent work that he did for all of the parishes and rural area in Bath and North East Somerset.”
The event also showed a film about the Book Bugs volunteers who help with reading in schools, as well as a film about the volunteering work of Adrian Inker, who won the Lifetime Achievement award in 2013, and Matt Humberstone, who won the Chairman’s Special Award last year.
The Chairman’s Awards are run in partnership with Sirona Care and Health, Curo, Volunteer Centre Bath and North East Somerset, Student Community Partnership, University of Bath Students Union and Bath Spa University Students Union.
The winners included:
Highly Commended Award Volunteer of the Year: The volunteer mentors of Mentoring Plus in Bath and North East Somerset
These mentors provide weekly support to young people aged between seven and 21 years old who are struggling with poverty, family breakdown, problems in education and social isolation.
Volunteer Leader of the Year: Robin Tanner
Robin Tanner, of Corsham, Wiltshire, has been a member of the programme for the Bath & District Branch of Parkinson’s UK since 2011. He became Treasurer in 2013 and was appointed Chairman in 2014
Chairman’s Special Award: Edward Joseph
For this award, the Chairman wished to highlight the importance of local democracy and in particular, the importance of young people in local democracy. Edward Joseph, of Coleford, stood out for his actions in campaigning for better mental health services for young people. He has promoted gender equality through film making, which he has used to amplify the voice of young people across Bath & North East Somerset.
Volunteer Team of the Year: The Bath Soup Run
The Bath Soup Run is marking its 25th anniversary of serving soup to the homeless and vulnerable in Bath. It is now run by a group of 340 volunteers from 15 churches in Bath.
Highly Commended Award Volunteer of the Year: The Cripple Club, Bath
Raising money for charities has always been a core feature of this club and its members often raise funds when the club organises a bike ride.
Young Volunteer Team of the Year: The Senior In Care Council – Off the Record Youth Group
These young people in Bath are aged between 11 and 18 and are looked after in foster care. Their aim is to help make changes and a difference in looked-after children’s lives.
Good Neighbour of the Year: Betty White
Betty White, of Batheaston, is continually doing things for other people and regularly looks in on neighbours to see if they need anything. Every day she collects the newspapers for some of her neighbours.
The Business in the Community Award: Bath Domestic Cleaning Services.
Jackie Hewlett, the owner of Bath Domestic Cleaning Services, has inspired and energised not only her employees but also friends to help organise benevolent projects in the area. This includes providing food parcels for the elderly and raising money for Southdown Junior School.
Young Volunteer Leader of the Year: Edward Fairnington
Edward Fairningon, of Bath, is a member of the Air Cadets. Within the last year he has re-established the Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions and has successfully set up networks with the local army, campsites, Curo and Beechen Cliff School.
Volunteer of the Year: Ann Griffin
Ann Griffin, of Bath, has been a volunteer at the Lifeline Centre in Bath since 2007. The Lifeline Team provides a daily drop-in service in the vaults of Bath Abbey for rough sleepers and vulnerable adults.
Highly Commended Volunteer of the Year: Dorothy Whichelow
Dorothy Whichelow, of Bath, has volunteered at Off the Record in Bath for 13 years as a Listening Support Worker. She gives up her time every week to support vulnerable children and young people in need.
The Peter Duppa Miller Lifetime Achievement Award (previously known as the Lifetime Achievement Award): Joan Pearce
Since 1980 Joan Pearce, of Combe Down, Bath, has fostered more than 70 young people. She was also a Samaritan, is a teaching assistant and enjoyed running an after-school gardening club for nine years.