Bath & North East Somerset Council is offering support to local residents faced with the prospect of choosing a home care provider for themselves or a family member.
There are many providers to choose from and selecting the right one can be a daunting process.
The Council’s Public Protection Team is launching a new scheme to help local people make the right choice for their needs.
Called ‘Buy With Confidence + Care’ the scheme offers details of trusted providers. Organisations are audited by Trading Standards officers and references obtained from existing clients.
Only those that meet the highest standards are granted membership. Residents who choose a home care provider from the ‘Buy With Confidence + Care’ approved list can be reassured they are selecting a reputable care provider.
Cllr Martin Veal, (Conservative, Bathavon North) Cabinet Member for Community Services said: “We are always looking at ways to protect the more vulnerable members of our community.
“This innovative idea will provide clients with peace of mind that they are choosing the best possible care for their loved ones. It is a great example of council departments working together to deliver the best possible service to B&NES residents.”
Local Trading Standards Officers have so far visited and awarded membership to 10 home care providers used by B&NES Adult Services, and more will be approved over the coming weeks.
Care providers who have joined the scheme were provided with membership certificates at a ceremony at the Guildhall, Bath on 18th July 2016.
Attendees included Cllr Martin Veal, Cabinet Member for Community Services; Cllr Vic Pritchard, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health; representatives from the care provider community; officers involved in the audit process and other council ambassadors.