Families of children and young people who have additional needs are being encouraged to apply for a free card that allows their youngster to enjoy discounted entry to a range of local attractions.
The council’s Rainbow Resource scheme provides children and young people between the ages of 0-25 with a special educational need or disability (SEND) with a free card that allows them concessions in place of carrying their confidential Disability Living Allowance letter.
The wallet-sized card also gives the cardholder and their companions a way to discreetly alert staff at the venue that they have particular needs in case they need support.
Rainbow Resource is a website managed by Bath & North East Somerset Council that provides local information and signposting for families with a child or young person with additional needs. It also has a packed calendar of activities.
Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “Since we relaunched the Rainbow Resource information and signposting site last year, there has been a big increase in the number of parents and carers applying for a Rainbow Resource card.
“There are now 1,000 members and this is growing every week, but I encourage more young people and their families to join the scheme and make use of the Rainbow Resource website.
“Getting out and about can be challenging for people with special needs or disabilities and this scheme aims to make a day out a more enjoyable process.”
The Rainbow Resource card enables concessions on entry to attractions including Avon Valley Adventure Park in Keynsham, The Egg Theatre in Bath and Bristol Zoo, to name a few. The participant venues have agreed to accept the card as confirmation that a child or young person has an additional need and to give them any discounts that may be on offer.
Rachel, a parent carer from Chew Valley, said: “I have used my Rainbow Resource card to get a concession entry at several places across B&NES and Bristol.
“It’s great to know that with the concessional entry, we are able to stay as long or as short a time as my daughter needs. It’s also reassuring to know that the venue is more understanding of the needs of my family.”
Applications for a Rainbow Resource card can be made online via the website www.rainbowresource.org.uk.