Bath & North East Somerset Council has been trialling an additional 70 short-stay visitor bays in the Oldfield Park & Westmoreland Residents’ Parking Zone (RPZ) over the last six months and the consultation ends on Thursday 29th February.
The trial was installed under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) so people could experience the scheme before submitting comments on how it is working.
The changes follow requests from ward councillors and the community to provide more short-stay visitor bays around shops, churches and the GP surgery.
The changes created an additional 70 dual-use or limited-waiting bays in zone 28, with maximum stays of up to two or three hours.
The majority of bays have replaced permit-holder-only bays.
The council has also been trialling four short-stay visitor bays on Upper Oldfield Park in Zone 5.
The local authority is asking for feedback on how easy or difficult people are finding it to park as a resident or visitor, or as a business that relies on visitors being able to park in the area.
The council says: “With your feedback, we can work out whether we have allocated the parking spaces fairly; prioritising those that live in the area but also ensuring visitors have the allocation they need to support the area’s amenities.”
You can have your say in the consultation here.