The Helen Straker Charity raised £78,000 during 2019 in aid of two local charities, Dorothy House Hospice Care and the Royal United Hospital’s Forever Friends Appeal.
Both charities received £39,000 at a recent cheque presentation held at The Bear Hotel in Devizes.
They were the two favourite charities of Helen Straker, late wife of Gordon Straker, who sadly lost her fight against cancer in 2013.
This year’s fundraising total by the Helen Straker Charity was raised at a number of events including their annual golf day in July and clay pigeon shoot in September.
This follows another great year of fundraising last year when the Helen Straker Charity raised a total of £80,000.
Helen was a proactive fundraiser for both Dorothy House Hospice Care and the RUH Cancer Care campaign.
Her husband, Gordon Straker, continues Helen’s impressive fundraising efforts for The Helen Straker Charity which was officially registered in 2014.
The charity now organises a variety of fundraising events each year including golf days, clay pigeon shoots, dinners, balls and comedy nights.
Gordon, Trustee of the Helen Straker Charity said: “My thanks to all the companies, individuals and sponsors who supported our charity this year.
“Well done to all involved it’s a great achievement. We are proud to have raised £78,000 in funds for Helen’s two chosen charities this year as her aim in life was to help others and it is very satisfying to be able to continue her legacy as she would have wished.”
Phillippa Watson, Philanthropy Manager at Dorothy House Hospice Care added: “Many congratulations to the charity for raising such significant funds once again in 2019, it is greatly appreciated and will help Dorothy House continue to provide specialist care for people living with a life-limiting illness.
“We are extremely grateful to Gordon Straker, the charity Trustees and to the Devizes Lions Club this year for all their hard work and fundraising efforts.
“Dorothy House cared for Helen during her battle with cancer and we’re proud to remain a beneficiary of the Helen Straker Charity.”
Jan Witt, In Memory & Legacy Officer, The Forever Friends Appeal said: “On behalf of the Appeal, I personally would like to thank the trustees of the Helen Straker charity for their continued support, commitment and raising funds for the RUH’s pioneering new Cancer Centre which will provide a highly beneficial healing environment, transforming care for patients and their families.
“In recognition for their superb fundraising efforts totalling £235,000, the Helen Straker Charity are now Principal Family Partners of The Forever Friends Appeal, meaning they will have a naming opportunity for one of the specialist areas or departments within the new Cancer Centre.”