Housing association Curo have teamed up with Bath & Wiltshire Schools Trust (BWB) to bring a day of expert football coaching to Bath for children during the summer holidays.
The session runs from 9am-4pm on Tuesday 26th July 2016 at Kingswood School in Bath and welcomes girls and boys of all abilities.
The cost per child is £10 with lunch included, and Curo’s support is enabling Curo residents to participate for just £5.
Darren Hackett, Head of Estates at Curo said: “It’s important to us at Curo to not only provide great properties for our customers, but also to create great places too.
“By working with fantastic partners like BWB we can help provide local children with quality activities, and this coaching day is just one excellent example.”
Previous coaching sessions have been hugely popular with local children.
One participant, Toby, said: “I always look forward to BWB training – the sessions are challenging as well as being great fun. BWB training has really helped me improve my skills on and off the ball.”
Spaces on the coaching day are limited, so parents of the next Casey Stoney or Marcus Rashford are encouraged to book their places quickly to avoid missing out.
To book a place email [email protected] – please say when applying if you are a Curo customer.
The Curo Communities Grants supports initiatives, like this coaching day, where Curo customers can benefit. To apply for a grant, contact Curo on 01225 366000 or online at www.curo-group.co.uk.