A consultation has been launched for views on plans for Bath & North East Somerset Council to begin enforcing moving traffic offences using ANPR cameras.
The local authority is applying to the Government for powers to enforce the offences, such as stopping in a yellow box, using an automatic number plate recognition system.
While the police currently carry out moving traffic enforcement, it is not considered a priority, so the council would be able to make enforcement more consistent to reduce the contravention of restrictions there are at some locations in the district.
Offences that would be enforceable under the powers include violation of yellow box junctions, banned turns and driving in formal cycle lanes, but not speeding.
B&NES Council must apply to the Department for Transport for the powers relating to a first tranche of road locations, demonstrating why compliance can be achieved only with enforcement rather than an engineering solution at the locations and how it would benefit road users.
The following initial locations have been proposed, where existing restrictions are in place as a mechanism to apply for the powers.
- Charles St/Monmouth Street, Bath – yellow box and banned turn
- George Street/Gay Street, Bath – banned turn
- Brook Road, Bath – commercial vehicle weight restriction
- Newbridge Road/Newbridge Hill, Bath – banned turn
- High Street/Bath Hill/Temple Street, Keynsham – banned right turn
Residents are also invited to suggest other hot spot locations which should be considered in any future consultations were the council to be successful in getting the powers.
The initial locations are subject to a six-week public consultation.
A public webinar and face-to-face drop-in sessions will take place for anyone wishing to find out more about the proposals, the details of which will be publicised soon.
If the powers are granted, it would allow other locations in Bath and North East Somerset to be considered for local enforcement in future, subject to a minimum six-week public consultation. No further application to the Government would be needed.
Councillor Manda Rigby, cabinet member for Transport, said: “These powers would help improve the safety of our roads for all users.
“The locations we are proposing are hotspots where road signage is heavily contravened, posing a danger or causing congestion.
“This is not about raising revenue or an easy way to make money for the council – over time we hope to improve compliance so that our roads are safer for everyone.
“To secure the powers from the Government we need to get the first tranche of locations right, so we’re asking you to give us your feedback on these in our consultation.”
Locations taken forward will be monitored and evaluated to ensure enforcement remains proportionate.
The consultation closes on Sunday 10th April. The consultation feedback is expected to go before the council’s cabinet on 5th May for a decision on whether to proceed with the application to the Government before the deadline of 20th May 2022, with the designation order confirming the powers being issued on 1st June 2022.
You can view the consultation, and submit your views, here.