The Bath & North East Somerset Citizens Advice charity has launched an urgent appeal for more volunteers to join its service to assist local residents.
Recent reports of an increase in first-time shoplifters and forecourt thefts have shown how the cost of living crisis is pushing people to do things they would never normally consider doing.
Pressure is increasing on charities like Citizens Advice to recruit and train advisers so they can help as many people as possible with their debt and benefits problems.
Simon Lawson, CEO of the charity said: “It’s clear that when people don’t feel they have somewhere to turn, some will take actions that they would usually never dream of. That’s why we need to train new volunteer advisers as soon as possible, so people have somewhere to turn.
“It’s vital that we get more advisers in place before the colder months arrive and even more people find themselves with financial problems.”
The charity, which has been active in the area since 1939, has a long history of volunteer support.
Jo Jones joined the charity as a volunteer during the pandemic. She’d heard what a difference the organisation made to people in the community and saw it as an opportunity to do something good while shifting her career path and learning new skills.
Jo said: “Volunteering helped me update my IT skills and the team I volunteered with helped cancer sufferers who are so in need of support.
“So, I got a great feeling of doing something good for other people and a huge sense of achievement”
Anyone who wants to register or find out more about volunteering for the charity can do so by visiting their website.