Age UK B&NES is organising a Volunteers’ Celebration Party on 9th June at the Theatre Royal in Bath, to say thank you to the volunteers that support its work.
The event will have entertainment from the University of Bath Ladies Choir.
Janet Dabbs, chief executive of Age UK BANES, said: “This is an opportunity for us to say thank you for all the time and energy our volunteers give.
“We have over 180 volunteers and their contribution makes a huge difference to people’s lives. We really couldn’t provide the range or quality of services for older people, their families and carers that we do without them.
“We also need new volunteers across the area, so please get in touch even if you can only a few hours of your time. We have all sorts of opportunities, from walk leaders through to befrienders and cooking tutors.”
More volunteer befrienders are needed to support isolated and lonely older people, particularly in Chew Magna, Midsomer Norton, Temple Cloud and Chilcompton.
Befriending makes a real difference to the lives of older people, providing companionship, social contact and support.
It might just be offering up some time to chat over a cup of tea, visiting the shops together or going to a café.
In Bath the charity is looking for a Book Group co-ordinator and an Art Group leader.
In Keynsham Day Centre helpers are needed as well as social group organisers and a ‘Cook and Eat’ Tutor.
The Midsomer Norton Hub is still looking for people with IT knowledge to help out at its Gadget Buster sessions, as well as day centre helpers.
Age UK B&NES will also be running the weekly lunch club in Paulton in future, and needs new volunteers to help.
In the Chew Valley a Walk Leader is needed urgently, to lead short walks on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. The Chew Valley Hub also needs a ‘Cook and Eat’ Assistant Tutor and support for its Gadget Buster sessions.
For further details about all these roles, or to apply, contact Chris Hart, Volunteer Development Co-ordinator on 01225 466135 or [email protected].
Age UK B&NES is a local charity supporting around 12000 older people, their families and carers each year in Bath and North East Somerset.