Age UK Bath & North East Somerset is asking local people to help them tackle the loneliness crisis by taking part in The Big Hush during Loneliness Awareness Week.

Photo © Age UK B&NES
The impact of having nobody to talk to day after day can feel devastating for some residents.
Unbroken silence and loneliness are the reality for thousands of people in Bath and North East Somerset, who go for days and sometimes even weeks without speaking to anybody.
Barbara, 84 was a very successful businesswoman whose voice has been integral to her career.
For someone once so lively and independent, her life now seems in stark contrast.
Barbara has had two minor strokes and suffers with arthritis which has left her housebound, living alone in an isolated rural area.
She said: “My voice goes horse as I don’t get to speak to anyone for days. My life is very different now. It is what it is, but I am housebound. I can’t get out.”
Thankfully, Age UK Bath & North East Somerset’s Befriending service matched Barbara with volunteer Kat, and through visits and phone calls, they have developed a friendship that neither would be without.
Barbara added: “She’s a lovely girl. We talk about all sorts and I really enjoy our chats; I look forward to it a lot. It breaks up my week.
“It is nice to know that someone has discovered me – that people know that I have a brain!”
There are lots of ways to get involved with The Big Hush, including:
- Holding a sponsored silence
- Giving social media a break
- Cutting ties with your mobile phone for the day
Taking part could be for 2 hours, 24 hours or more, it’s up to you.
By getting involved in the campaign, you will be supporting the charity’s Befriending Service which creates meaningful friendships by linking up lonely older people and like-minded volunteers with regular visits and phone calls.
To find out more, and sign up, visit the Age UK B&NES website here.