A £500 donation from developer Crest Nicholson Regeneration is helping a group of local volunteers to keep Oldfield Park Station in Bath looking its best.
The station, one of the key gateways into the city, is maintained by the On-Board Community Project – a group of volunteers who look after the station’s embankments and plant life, helping to maintain a pleasant outlook for people visiting Bath via train.
The £500 donation from the Bath Riverside developer has allowed the group to purchase plants and gardening equipment for the station.
On-Board Community Project member and Deputy Mayor of Bath, June Player said: “As a group of volunteers we adopted this station in 2007 as we wanted to make sure the area looks its absolute best for those using the station as well as those just passing through.”
“We have a dedicated team of volunteers aged from 17 to 75 who put in an enormous amount of effort to keep Oldfield Park Station looking great.
“The On Board Community Project is about having pride in our community and promoting community spirit, and we’re very grateful to Crest Nicholson Regeneration for their support.”
“We don’t receive any funding for our work, so the donation from was a real boost and has helped us to purchase good quality gardening equipment which will last for years, as well as a selection of plants.”
Development Executive for Crest Nicholson Regeneration Fareen Lalani said: “The On-Board Community Project puts in a huge amount of effort at Oldfield Park Station and the results are seen and appreciated by thousands of people every day.
“We’re pleased to be able to offer our support to this very dedicated group of volunteers who make a real positive difference to their community.”
If you would like to know more about the On Board Community Project, you can contact June Player on 01225 341904.