Bath-based sex toy company Lovehoney has put in a retrospective planning application for four external heat pumps.

Lovehoney is based on Locksbrook Road in Bath | Image © Google Street View / Google 2024
It follows complaints to Bath & North East Somerset Council from people living near the Locksbrook Road warehouse about the noise of the units.
They are understood to operate intermittently for typically a couple of hours at any time between 4am and 9pm.
A noise impact assessment prepared by consultants says that some form of acoustic enclosure will be required for plant noise emissions to be reduced to an acceptable level.
The report says a 16-decibel reduction is needed.
In its application for retrospective permission, Lovehoney says the new heating and cooling system was installed last year.
It replaced a temporary gas boiler and electric chiller and aims to reduce both the firm’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.
The planning application reference is 24/00055/FUL and the deadline for comments is 29th February.