Bath-based law firm Withy King has launched the 30 day step challenge for #bizfit, in aid of the Million Makers Challenge for The Princes Trust.
The team are delighted to report that 200 people from businesses across the South West have signed up to the challenge and the competition is heating up.
Participants are logging their steps daily and at the end of the challenge the overall individual winner and winning team will be announced and awarded their prizes.
Claire Fennell Recruitment Manager and member of the Million Makers Team from Withy King commented: “It is fantastic to see the buzz that has been generated within the business community in Bath.
“We are hearing fantastic stories of people getting out and about during their lunch breaks to increase steps and others taking walks after work.
“Our twitter feed @bizfit has been full of people sharing their steps and pictures of their team which has been fantastic.
“We have had great support from Bishop Fleming, Begbies Traynor, Milsted Langdon, Mark Naylor Estate Agents, Monahans, St John’s Chambers, Moore Stevens, Paragon Costs, Trapeze, HSBC and Withy King
“Every penny that we raise will be donated to the Princes Trust and for all monies raised over £10,000 up to £15,000 Withy King will be match funding so we have a real opportunity to make a difference to young peoples lives.
“We hope to raise the majority of £10,000 target through this initiative and are really excited about engaging with the local business community to promote this.”
Watch out for regular updates to see if Withy King can hit their £10,000 target by 8th December.