An exhibition featuring the work of local artist who has appeared as a judge on ITV’s ‘Ten Mile Menu’, plus inspired background sets for the X Factor, is to go on display in Bath.
The exhibition will be on display at Chapel Arts Centre in Bath from 21st to the 27th April. Opening times are 10am till late. Entry is £2 and includes a free A4 colour print of the artist’s work.
The exhibition Art From The Heart will be a wide ranging exploration of artist Dechen Chodron’s historical and contemporary works, including paintings, films, and interactive art.
Internationally renown storyteller Adrian Beckingham, The Man from Story Mountain, will perform storytelling there as part of the exhibition from 3- 5 pm on Saturday 26th April.
Oil paintings on display offer a showcase of Dechen’s various limited edition series ‘The Glass Isle’, ‘The Body Of Water’, ‘The Vibe Art’, and ‘The Apple Wisdom Series.’
Dechen, who has been an art tutor at Yeovil College, and developed art workshops for the mental health charity South Somerset Mind, said: “’The Glass Isle Series’ is a reflection on water. It is a follow on from my work ‘The Body of Water’.
“We are all bodies of water, because physically we are about 80% water. Our emotions influence our physicality. If you have an emotional storm you feel churned up inside and out, experiencing feelings that are uncomfortable and out of harmony. However if you think calm thoughts in a meditative way you feel balanced, peaceful and in harmony. You feel improved well being, as they say.
“In society people often say, ‘Are you well?’ So it is commonplace to gauge our mood and physicality with the metaphor of a well of water. My works attempts to harness this connection. For example ‘The Vibe Art’ series uses tones based on the science of colour therapy – so that the viewer feels increased well being when the art is on the wall.”
The exhibition will include interactive art, featuring a tank of water used by the artist during oceanside installations.
Anyone visiting the exhibition will have an opportunity to participate with the creation of instant art using the tank, accompanied by a video which shows the artist using the tank in various locations around the south west.
Dechen continued: “People can play with the water tank in the exhibition space. It gives people the opportunity to see how their thoughts influence the images created.
“‘The Apple Wisdom Series’ follows the Celtic Wheel of The Year, showing the annual seasons and the role different Celtic Goddesses played in birth, fertility, aging, harvest, and death. Seasons in cycle demonstrate how once an idea is born, a seed is planted and a certain energy is required to enable it to reach fruition.”
The Apple Wisdom series will be housed inside a Mongolian yurt within the exhibition space. ‘Drying Memories’, the work of a second south west artist, Thaannjo, will also feature in the exhibition.