Bath Rugby Ladies team are on the hunt for a new coach after theirs had to leave. The team are in need of someone special to help them keep on achieving in their games across the country.
They’d ideally want their new coach to start sooner rather than later as they need to get to know them before pre-season in July/August.
Bath Rugby Ladies train Tues and Thurs 7-9pm and matches are on Sundays. Unfortunately they are currently not offering any payment or expenses (with the setting up of Lambridge etc it is still not totally clear how their finances are looking long term, so they would rather not commit to paying anyone unless it becomes completely unavoidable).
Currently they travel to away games by coach so that would keep away game travel costs to a bare minimum.
They are looking for a Level 2 coach at least. Ideally they would have a couple of coaches. If that were the case they think as long as one was Level 2 the other could be Level 1 if that was what was on offer.
They would love their new coach/es to start in the next month or so the coach can get to know the team and they can get to know them before the start of the 2013/2014 season.
Any one interested should contact Sarah Burgess on [email protected].