This production, from Gigglemug Theatre comedy improv group, is billed as a musical made up on the spot from items of gossip from the audience.

Image © Nick Rutter Photography
In fact, tonight’s farrago of musical mayhem is based entirely on just one piece of gossip from one audience member.
With just three actors and a keyboard player, the tale of what might be called Deirdre and the Hedge (don’t ask) unfolds with much extempore vocal acrobatics, some of it in rhyme, and much running around swapping hats and a scarf (there’s only one).
Is it funny? Yes it is, the switching characterisations are delicious, and any fluffs and hesitancies from the performers can instantly be made into comedy of its own.
And they are careful, as in real musicals, to concoct faux show-stopping numbers every now and then, which send the audience into paroxysms of applause.
The costumes, such as they are, aren’t exactly glamorous and look like they came from a skip; or are roughly put together with cardboard – and at just 45 minutes it’s a tad short for a musical.
But it’s the hectic pace and the utterly daft, ever-changing characters and plotlines that win the day.
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Reviewer: John Christopher Wood | Star rating: ***