This production from NOS Three company is a clown piece in which two young Brazilian women look at the lives of women, using red noses and no actual words, or not real words anyway.
Except for on occasional printed cards.
The pair are amiable and engaging, though frequently arguing wordlessly with each other as they go through lots of the events that mark out women’s lives; from first experiments with make-up, through periods (Lots of naughty fun with that one; who knew you could make so much theatre out of feminine sanitary products?), love, sex, marriage, pregnancy and childbirth.
And all the things women can be stigmatised for, right through to old age.
It’s a playful piece, as you would expect, and isn’t going in for hard-hitting political satire, but nevertheless make its points effectively, and sometimes close up and face-to-face with an appreciative and vocal audience. Good fun.
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Reviewer: John Christopher Wood