The wonderful Midnight Mole is back at The Egg. It is a visual feast and a glorious immersive experience.

Photo © Camilla Adams
The space is transformed into a picture-perfect pop-up book by designer Edwina Bridgeman, alongside an atmospheric lighting design from William Burgher and an enchanting soundscape by Alex Vann.
With a nod to Chekhov, Midnight Mole audiences can join Madame Ranevsky in her favourite place, the Cherry Orchard, where tonight she’s saying goodbye to it one last time before moving house.
Under the light of the silvery moon, she plays with her nocturnal friends before Midnight Mole bursts from his mound to join her. With a fascination for found objects, Mole leads her on an adventure of rediscovery, above and below ground, which allows her to see her orchard in a new way.
Nikki Warwick plays Madame Raneysky, compelling and engaging, immediately forming an easy rapport with the audience.
Alongside the humans, Marc Parrett has created the Mole. A wonderful puppet with great personality which wins hearts on its initial reveal.
The show is aimed at the very young and up to 4 years but there were many well beyond the upper age limit clearly enjoying this heart-warming production. Its joy and charm is infectious and it is most definitely one not to miss.
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Reviewer: Petra Schofield