There was always going to be a danger of putting an iconic film onstage. Particularly one that is now clearly dated in its storyline and attitudes.

Oliver Farnworth as Dan Gallagher and Kym Marsh as Alex Forrest in Fatal Attraction | Photo © Tristram Kenton
Based on the original paramount film, the dialogue here is stilted and clunky; Oliver Farnworth (Dan) having to deliver into repetitive monologues which break the pace whilst the use of offstage noise to replace the non-existent daughter and pet simply points out what is missing.
Directional decisions are questionable; allowing one character to struggle on with a packing box yet allowing another cast member to pick up two clearly empty boxes and walk off with them.
The detail is lacking and as a result there are moments that are just completely unbelievable, despite the best efforts of the performers.
The use of the projection allows swift scene changes, and the varying levels create some effective moments.
However, something remains missing and somehow the chemistry and passion falls flat despite the surprising decision for the need of glimpses of nudity.
The smart choreographed changes that happen onstage are well executed whilst the office scenes work most effectively.
Kym Marsh and Oliver Farnworth lead the company as Alex Forrest and Dan Gallagher with John Macaulay in fine form as Jimmy. Susie Amy is Beth and Anita Booth, Joan.
The response from the audience clearly showed enjoyment and whilst the classic bunny boiling caused a giggle the overall applause from the large house showed enthusiasm for the production.
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Reviewer: Petra Schofield
Fatal Attraction is showing at the Theatre Royal in Bath until Saturday 12th February 2022.