Local families are being invited to join Bath Abbey on Saturday 12th March, between 10.30am to 1.30pm for a morning of fun, thoughtful, and messy activities on the theme of Easter.
They will be making hot cross buns, plantable paper, and crosses and stones for an Easter Garden, after which there will be a short celebration followed by lunch in the Abbey (which will be provided).
Ollie Taylor, the Abbey’s Interpretation Officer, said: “Messy Easter is a wonderful opportunity for families to spend a morning in the Abbey creating, baking, reflecting on the Easter story and having fun together.
“It’s the first time we’ve offered this free session and I hope that many local families will come. If you’ve not brought your family to the Abbey before this is the perfect opportunity to find out what we do.
“I’m really looking forward to making hot cross buns in the Abbey and families who come can take away what they make too!”
The event is free but there will be a collection during the celebration.
The activities are suitable for children over 5 but there are limited places so you will need to book before the day.
Families are asked to contact the Abbey Office on [email protected] or 01225 422462 to book their place.