Newbridge Hill in Bath is set to be closed for a week later this month to allow for surface improvement works to be carried out by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s contractor Skanska.
The roundabout junction with Combe Park and Chelsea Road will be closed for resurfacing between 7pm and 7am on Wednesday, 24th February.
This night closure will allow for Combe Park and Chelsea Road to remain open while Newbridge Hill is closed from the roundabout to Partis Way for up to a week from Monday, 29th February.
The longer closure will see resurfacing works carried out during the day between 7am and 7pm, but the road will be reopened outside of these times.
B&NES Council’s contractor Skanska will be carrying out the work and putting diversion signs in place with Traffic Marshalls on key junctions and side roads to help with diverting traffic.
Variable message signs will also be in place on key approaches to give drivers advance warning.
The diversions will maintain access to the Royal United Hospital and emergency vehicle access will be granted.
The resurfacing works are being carried out in conjunction with crossing improvements in order to minimise disruption.
Councillor Anthony Clarke (Conservative, Lansdown), Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “The Council is committed to maintaining and improving its highways to ensure a high standard for all road users.
“Inevitably this may cause some disruption for which we apologise, but, working with Skansa, we have put measures in place to keep problems to a minimum while this essential work is being carried out.”