Bath for Europe has joined forces with neighbouring campaign group Bristol for Europe to put on a dedicated train to take its supporters to the ‘Put It To The People’ march in London next month.

© Clive Dellard
Both groups are also sending a number of coaches to the march, taking place on Saturday 23rd March, which is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors to the capital, just days before the UK’s scheduled exit from the EU.
Emma Knaggs, Chair of Bath for Europe, said: “This is a joint project between Bath for Europe and Bristol for Europe to encourage as many people as possible to make it to the march.
“By working together, we can make it a huge success and offer a really fun way of getting to London. Our two cities are very close geographically and both voted strongly to Remain in the 2016 referendum.
“It makes perfect sense that we join forces at such an important time; in this case, the sum is certainly greater than the parts.
“I am very excited that our two groups are working together in this way. The train, a special service with a total capacity of 650 seats, is already full. Tickets sold out in four days.
“The speed with which the train tickets sold out was stunning. It shows that there is a big appetite for a People’s Vote. Parliament cannot agree, so it’s time to put it to the people again.”
Among those travelling on the train will be local pro-Remain politicians Wera Hobhouse, Liberal Democrat MP for Bath and Molly Scott Cato, Green MEP for the South West and Gibraltar.
Bath for Europe is aiming to match the total of eight coaches it sent to the People’s Vote March in October.
Students and those under 16 can travel for free. Visit for more information and to book tickets.