After securing the Prime Minister’s commitment to consider Wera Hobhouse’s Bill at PMQs last week, the Bath MP has now been working on the details of law reform with the Ministry of Justice.
In order to ensure there is sufficient time to agree further details with the Government, Wera has confirmed that she has agreed to push back the second reading until Friday 15th June.
Wera Hobhouse said: “I am delighted to that the Ministry of Justice are working with us to ensure that ‘upskirting’ becomes an offence in all circumstances.
“We are getting closer and closer to achieving our goal, and the latest discussions regarding the Bill have been very promising.
“We are now in the final stages of agreeing the detail and it is for that reason we have agreed with the MoJ to push back the second reading until Friday 15 June.
“This will give us the time necessary to ensure the Bill has the full support of the Government.
“We must keep up the pressure to ensure that this receives as much support from Parliament as possible so we can finally make ‘upskirting’ what it should be: a specific criminal offence.”