Ben Howlett, the MP for Bath, is proud to have been announced as a political champion for ‘Britain Stronger in Europe’, the campaign to remain in the Europe Union.
‘Britain stronger in Europe’ will campaign up until the election on the platform that Britain is stronger, better off and safer in Europe than it would be out on its own.
Following the launch event Ben Howlett said: “This referendum is a once in a lifetime opportunity to remove the question surrounding Britain’s membership of the EU and show that we as a nation want the security and economic support it brings.
“The European Union is not perfect, and I am confident in the Prime Minister’s ability to secure a better deal through his current renegotiation, however it is clear that the benefits clearly outweigh the costs.
“Staying in the European Union will ensure future generations can benefit from the growth, trade investment, jobs and lower prices that we experience now as Members of the EU.
“It means we will have a stronger voice on the world stage, shaping our future through influence and participation.
“I was delighted to be asked to be a parliamentary champion and I look forward to working closely with ‘Britain Stronger in Europe’ over the coming months to spread the message that Britain is better off in the EU.”