More than 134,000 electors across the Bath and North East Somerset area are being reminded about potential changes to their local ward and polling station.
Those voting in this year’s local elections may find their ward and polling station have changed.
This is because following the recent review of ward boundaries conducted by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England, the number of wards in Bath and North East Somerset has been reduced from 37 to 33, and the number of councillors from 65 to 59.
As a result, the boundaries of the polling districts which form each individual ward have been redrawn and voters may find their polling station has changed.
Details of ward and polling station will be printed on poll cards which go out in the post during the week beginning 18th March.
The latest 2019 register of electors will be published on Friday 1st March.
A copy of the electoral register is available for public inspection under supervision in the Bath Record Office, at the Guildhall in Bath.
Anyone aged 18 who is not included on the Register of Electors and wants to vote in the May elections, must register before the deadline of Friday 12th April. To register visit: or you can call the Electoral Registration Office on 01225 477333.
Residents who don’t receive a poll card by Friday 19th April can contact the Electoral Registration Office either by email: [email protected] or by calling 01225 477333.
People who can’t get to a polling station on the day of the election and want to apply for a postal vote can download an application form here.
Completed application forms should be sent to: Electoral Registration Office, Bath & North East Somerset Council, Guildhall, High Street, Bath BA1 5AW
The deadline for applications for a postal vote for the elections in May is Monday 15th April at 5pm.