There is a “legal and moral duty” to keep massive lorries off a historic Bath bridge after it is repaired and redecorated, residents claim.

Cleveland Bridge in Bath | Photo © Bath Echo
They say the 18-tonne weight limit on Cleveland Bridge transformed the area, allowing traffic to flow more freely, improving air quality and reducing noise and vibration.
Plans have been submitted to repair and redecorate the grade II*-listed structure after Bath and North East Somerset Council secured £3.5million to carry out the works.
The listed building application will be considered by councillors next week.
Commenting online, one objector said: “The strengthening of the bridge to welcome heavy traffic does not provide public benefit, is not sustainable and would compromise any subsequent efforts to provide a sustainable future for the bridge and its setting.”
The bridge was originally constructed in 1826 for horse-drawn vehicles and pedestrians.
The structure typically carries 17,000 vehicles a day, including more than 600 HGVs.
Before the weight limit was imposed in February, vehicles weighing up to 44 tonnes used it to cross the River Avon.
Witnesses have reported numerous breaches since the limit was brought in.
The Federation of Bath Residents’ Associations said the restriction had transformed London Road and Bathwick Street, adding: “Traffic flowed much more freely. Air quality was substantially improved. Noise and vibration was greatly reduced.”
It said a permanent weight limit would reduce the risk of damage to the bridge in the future and could reduce the cost of the works.
The Pulteney Estate Residents Association said there was a moral and legal duty for the weight limit to be retained.
Commenting on the plans online, councillor Manda Rigby said: “I am concerned that any structural changes may damage the original authenticity of the bridge, and further encourage heavy traffic.
“Like for like repairs may give short term gains but will not stand up to its new usage rather than the purpose it was originally designed for.”
WSP, which was commissioned by B&NES Council to draw up the listed building application, said the impact of HGVs on air quality and the climate emergency were outside of the planning process and should be dealt with separately.
It said: “The works are required to support the ongoing safe use of the bridge, repair damage and conserve the structure in a manner appropriate to its heritage significance and maintaining its heritage values.
“The proposed works have been developed to conserve the heritage value of the bridge and will be undertaken by contractors who have the necessary and appropriate experience of working on listed buildings and relevant heritage assets.
“The proposed works would not result in harm to the heritage asset. The works would conserve and enhance the significance of the Grade II* listed Cleveland Bridge.”
Recommending approval, B&NES Council planning officers said: “This is a listed building application. Any further proposed changes to weight restriction on the bridge or wider traffic routing associated with the proposed repairs to the bridge fall to the council as local highway authority to consider.”
They added: “The proposal is to provide a robust solution to extend the longevity and durability of the structure with minimal intervention.
“This scheme has been developed to minimise impact on this historic bridge whilst retaining its function.
“The refurbishment will bring the bridge closer to its original aesthetic appearance since reconstruction in the 1920s and improve the appearance of the bridge, which is in need of considerable maintenance works.”
Planning committee members will consider the application on 26th August.
Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporter