Landowners are being asked to put forward sites for housing, jobs and green energy generation.
Bath and North East Somerset Council has launched a review of its long-term building plan after a regional development strategy fell apart.
The partial update to its Local Plan is a chance to factor in the climate emergency and look at issues like student housing and the number of hotels in Bath.
The authority may also have to adopt its policies to help the economy recover from the coronavirus crisis.
At this stage, the lockdown means residents will only be able to comment online.
Councillor Tim Ball, the cabinet member for housing, planning, and economic development, said: “We fully understand the critical nature of the unprecedented situation caused by Covid-19.
“However, the government has made it clear that the planning system should continue to function as well as possible and progress made.
“Therefore, after careful consideration this consultation is taking place and will be held online only.
“There will be opportunities for communities and other stakeholders to contribute ideas and comment on the emerging content of the Local Plan partial update when we consult on options and policy approaches later in the year.
“No-one will be prejudiced in participating in the Local Plan partial update because of the current restrictions on travel.”
It comes after B&NES Council withdrew from the joint spatial plan, a regional development blueprint that was heavily criticised by Government inspectors.
The review focuses on replenishing the housing supply and the impacts of student accommodation and hotels.
It looks at ways of addressing the climate emergency, such as by retrofitting existing buildings to make them more energy-efficient, and the installation of solar panels on roofs and in fields.
The council is asking stakeholders to come forward with sites that could be suitable for housing, jobs or renewable energy infrastructure.
Parking standards will also be reviewed in light of the climate emergency, including the provision of electric vehicle charging points.
The updates will not be adopted until the spring of 2022.
The consultation runs until 1st June.
Comments can be submitted at or by emailing [email protected].
Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporter