Ollie Middleton, Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for Bath, has welcomed plans to increase standards for private tenants to ensure they are living in safe and secure housing.
The South West is among the most expensive four regions in England & Wales with an average monthly rent of £655, an annual increase of £330 since 2010.
If elected to government in May, Labour has pledged to legislate to ensure security and stability for tenants by increasing the tenancy period to 3 years, end excessive rent by imposing a ceiling on increases during the new 3 year tenancies and drive up standards by introducing a national register of landlords.
They also plan to make it easier for local authorities to ensure tough sanctions against the landlords of properties that fall below required standards.
Commenting, Ollie Middleton said: “Many people who are renting from a landlord in Bath are having to cope with rising rents, insecure tenancies and poor standards. This cannot be right.
“What we need is for a government to step in and force landlords to step up to their responsibilities and make sure that people in Bath can bring up their families in a stable and secure home that is fit for habitation.”
“A recent report showed that 87% of HMOs in Bath fell below the required standard.
“I think it is vital that we have a strong government that sort out this mess by standing up for the right people – the tenants – instead of rip-off landlords.”