Further work will be needed to determine if the first council houses in a generation can be built in Bath and North East Somerset.
The council closed down its accounts and transferred its housing stock to what is now Curo in 1999, because it could not borrow money itself.
In March the Labour group called on the authority to help tackle the housing crisis and resume building council houses, but councillors deferred a decision until last Thursday’s meeting.
Speaking last week, councillor Chris Watt said others were better placed to deliver the properties: “We need to do everything we can to maximise the amount of affordable housing available to our residents.
“How do you achieve that in the shortest possible time? You need land, resources and competence.
“We have land. We may have some resources. We don’t have the competence. There are 22 registered providers in Bath and North East Somerset, many of which have competence in providing new units, in managing existing units, and some even have land.
“They’re working to deliver what we all want – more affordable housing as fast as possible for our residents that need it. We shouldn’t be so precious as to say the only way of delivering it is to do it ourselves.”
Councillor Paul Crossley took a different view, saying: “Over the last few decades we’ve simply failed to deliver social housing in adequate numbers to provide for the needs of our communities.
“We’re trying to ensure that, moving forward, this council will be joining a growing number of councils that is building and covering for the failure of the development industry to deliver housing for us.
“This is a really good move. What I want to see is housing for the people of Bath and North East Somerset that can’t afford the city centre rates or some of the rates in Keynsham can afford through the housing we will build.”
Councillors were presented with an update that said further investigative work was needed, and it would be scrutinised by a committee before it comes back before the full council.
Moving an amendment, councillor Robin Moss called for support in principle for the authority to start building council housing again.
He said it would need to reopen its Housing Revenue Account, which closed when B&NES Council passed its housing stock to Curo.
Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for planning, housing and economic development, accepted the amendment and said: “This is a huge matter that the council has to get right.
“We’re looking to build the first council housing in a generation. We’ll be building carbon-neutral homes. Some of these will be council houses.
“There’s a whole vision out there to deliver fully sustainable housing for residents for years to come.
“The matter should be properly investigated and debated. This will go through the system properly.”
He said a full report was due in the late summer or early autumn, adding: “We can then move rapidly forward to deliver the sort of housing people are looking for.
“It will be looking at empty properties, and the regulation of certain properties.”
Stephen Sumner, Local Democracy Reporter