Bath and North East Somerset Council are reminding local businesses and organisations who want to advertise on roadsides that they must have consent before they can legally display an advert.
Over the past year Bath & North East Somerset Council has seen a significant rise in complaints about unauthorised advertisements across the district, principally banners being displayed along roadsides.
Whilst there are some exemptions in the regulations (usually relating to banners advertising a specific event) the majority of these advertisements require consent and it is an offence to display them without consent.
In an effort to reduce the detrimental visual impact these adverts are having, in both rural and urban areas, the Council is to bring in measures set out in the Town and Country Planning Act to remove unauthorised banners.
From 18th January, 2016, anyone displaying an unauthorised banner or placard will be given 7 days’ notice to voluntarily remove the advert.
If the advert is not removed the Council will remove it for them and store it for a limited period.
There will be a fee of £50 for administering the removal and storage of the unauthorised adverts.
Details of how to make an application can be found on the Council’s website at:
There is also a useful Government guide to advertising available here:
Anyone wishing to discuss these measures, or seeking advice about how to make an application can contact the Council’s planning department on 01225 394041