Specialist engineers are likely to be called in to look at the condition of a stretch of riverbank used by people to moor their boats in Saltford.

The moorings at Mead Lane | Photo © Stephen Sumner
Bath & North East Somerset Council is responsible for the Mead Lane moorings which have been subject of a recent consultation following a 12-month mooring trial.
A report before cabinet which meets on 16th January recommends commissioning a specialist structural survey to establish the condition of the riverbank, and if it is suitable for moorings to continue.
If approved, officers would report back to cabinet once the results of the survey are known in order to then make an informed decision on the long-term use of the land.
Cabinet is also asked to consider the interim period, if a survey is undertaken, and decide whether to remove moorings at Mead Lane, or remove the 48-hour mooring facility, leaving the 14 day, or leave the existing arrangements in place.
Officers may also be asked to carry out further analysis of residential mooring arrangements along the river, to include arrangements for boaters and their families.
The area has become popular for residential moorings by default, but these have generated complaints from the local community, which resulted in the mooring trial being introduced in 2017 allowing the provision of a mixture of 14 day and 48-hour residential moorings.
The report before cabinet says community tensions have escalated between the local community and the boating community.
A Community Trigger was called, giving people the ability to ask relevant bodies to review their response and action towards persistent anti-social-behaviour but this had not resolved all the issues.
Late last year, a consultation was held with a series of events with residents, boaters, and stakeholders which generated a total of 1,251 responses.
Councillor Paul Crossley, cabinet member for Communities, said: “A great deal of work has been undertaken to understand the many issues around Mead Lane moorings.
“I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to the consultation. I know there are very divided views about this particular matter and cabinet will carefully consider the recommendations put forward in this report.”