The Bath and North East Somerset Green Party is holding a public mini-conference for all community groups and individuals to work together to address poor the air quality of the region.
Dom Tristram, the Green Party parliamentary candidate for Bath, said: “The Green Party has been campaigning to improve our air quality in Bath and NE Somerset for decades, but no single organisation can have all of the good ideas and tribalism can stop others from adopting ideas that work.
“Political action is vital but it is too important for a single party to try to ‘own’, so that’s why we are inviting all concerned groups and individuals to this non-partisan event where we can work together on a common solution.”
“We already have some great speakers lined-up. We’re looking forward to a fascinating and important event where we can thrash-out what needs to be done.
“Groups, organisations and individuals with helpful ideas will have a platform. Nothing will be considered too radical or off the table as long as it is positive, constructive and effective.”
The event will take place at the Friends Meeting House, York Street, Bath on Wednesday 23rd May at 7.30pm.
Speakers will have 15-20 minutes and/or man a stall to present their plans. When everyone has spoken a vote will be taken to rank the ideas and create a ‘people’s air quality manifesto’ for Bath and NES, which will be publicised.
Tickets are free to all and available from B&NES Green Party. Those interested in presenting their ideas should email [email protected].