A police investigation is underway today following a sexual assault on a student in Bath yesterday evening.
At around 10pm the victim, who is in her 20s, had just left a friend and was walking away from the city centre along James Street West. As she passed the car park of the Riverside Health Centre she was sexually assaulted. After the attack a female sixth form student helped the victim and drove her back to her home in Oldfield Park.
An investigation has begun and the local community will notice an increased police presence in the area as police continue with their enquiries.
The offender is described as a white man, in his late teens or early twenties, 5’10 – 6’ tall with dark ear-length hair with a fringe and very wide, open eyes. He was wearing a dark, thin waterproof jacket.
Investigating the incident, Detective Inspector Charlotte Tucker said: “This was a frightening experience for the victim. She was attacked whilst she was alone and without anyone to turn to for help. Fortunately after the incident someone did go to her aid and we are particularly keen to speak to the student who drove the victim home in a small red car.
“Incidents like this are unusual in Bath but are taken very seriously when they do happen. An investigation is underway and we are determined to do all we can to identify the person responsible. I would appeal to anyone who can help us to get in touch with Bath CID.”
Anyone who witnessed the incident or saw someone acting suspiciously in the area should contact Avon and Somerset Police on 101. Alternatively, phone the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111. They never ask your name or trace your call.
nick davies
Friday 8th November, 2013 at 17:49I don’t see the logic of what Ella White says, and I certainly was not implying that the victim was or is at fault. Far from it – it’s a free Country, thank God, and everyone should be free to dress as they wish, or go out alone at whatever time they want to. Sadly there are people who pray on others, sometimes to steal, sometimes to just be anti-social, sometimes to rape or assault – which is why we all need to be carefull and stay alert, as Kath says. It would be at least wise to teach daughters and sons to be careful. Mothers and Fathers have to keep their wits about them, too, as well as grandparents and so on – we all need to. Sad, but true.
Friday 8th November, 2013 at 16:26Ella White, not really. The fault of the attack most definitely is NOT that of the victim. It simply boils down to, do you want to be raped?…I don’t think so; so you be careful. You watch out. You stay alert.
Ella White
Friday 8th November, 2013 at 15:33We shouldn’t be needing to teach our daughters to ‘be careful’ because that implies that the fault of the attack lies at the victim.
nick davies
Friday 8th November, 2013 at 10:01Just goes to show that you have to be so caeful. Anyone should be able to go out, but there’s always that dangerous element. Rape alarms might help. Sad, just sad.