A new report has highlighted the health and wellbeing of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans people across the Bath and North East Somerset area.
The report by the Diversity Trust, working in collaboration with Bath Spa University and Bath & North East Somerset Council, explores key areas of health inequality and discrimination for LGB and Trans people.
Almost 80% of respondents said they felt safe or very safe living in Bath and North East Somerset but, in line with the national picture, there are higher levels of depression, anxiety and self-harm in LGB and Trans people, often linked to stress from isolation, bullying and harassment.
The positive steps that Bath & North East Somerset Council is making towards achieving equality for LGB and Trans residents are noted in the report.
This year Stonewall rated the Council as the 5th best Local Authority in the country for tackling homophobic bullying in schools.
The Council has helped establish Equalities Teams led by young people in 25 local schools, as well as a support group for LGB and Trans staff.
Cllr Simon Allen, Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Cabinet Member for Wellbeing and co-Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “This research explored the experiences of LGB & Trans people living in Bath and North East Somerset, highlighting areas where current health, and other public sector policies and practices, may be improved.
“The Council welcomes this report, the findings of which have now been added to our local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
“It will help us to identify any gaps in policy and services and put together plans to address them.
“Recommendations include the need for more training of professionals in health, social care and education settings to ensure greater sensitivity towards LGB and Trans people.
“The Council will look to plan this into its training programmes and, through the Health and Wellbeing Board, encourage our partners in health care to do the same.”
A summary of the report can be found here: www.bathnes.gov.uk/LGBTreportsummary