A suspected whale has been spotted by members of the public near Pulteney Weir in the centre of Bath, with the large mammal believed to have migrated along the River Avon.

A photo of the whale, sent in by Joe King
The whale was spotted by Bath resident Joe King at around 7.30am this morning, as he travelled to work.
Mr King said: “It was definitely a whale. It was near the weir by Pulteney Bridge, it seemed to be having fun splashing water onto some ducks that were sat watching it.
“I tried to throw it some fish that I went and bought in Waitrose, but it didn’t seem keen and it swam off down by Parade Gardens.”
The Bath Echo has received various reports from other members of the public who have spotted the whale.
Local wildlife experts have suggested it is a Minke Whale, and could be visiting Bath on its way somewhere more tropical.
For more on this story, click here.
We’d like to confirm to everyone that this is an April Fool story – Happy April Fools’ Day! 🙂
Bath Echo
Friday 1st April, 2016 at 18:25Hi @jameschaverwynes:disqus, the photo was deliberately Photoshop’ped badly for this April Fools story!
James Chaver Wynes
Friday 1st April, 2016 at 15:53what a poor photoshop job… who ever does your photo editing you should sack and hire me 🙂