It’s been revealed that The Great British Bake Off’s Mary Berry will be switching on this year’s Christmas lights in Bath on Tuesday 12th November.
Thousands of people are once again set to descend on the city centre to watch Bath’s Mary Berry turn on the Christmas lights, following in the footsteps of the One Show’s Alex Jones, Matt Baker and special guest John Bishop last year.
Mary Berry is one of the UK’s best-known and respected cookery writers and TV cook. At the age of 18 she trained at the Bath College of Home Economics, followed by a Paris Cordon Bleu course and she is also a qualified teacher. She has written more than 70 cookery books since her first was published in 1970 and has sold more than five million. She has hosted several television series for the BBC and been a judge on The Great British Bake Off since 2010.
The switch-on – which was until last year held on a Thursday – is coordinated by the Bath Business Improvement District (BID) with support from Bath and North East Somerset Council.
In 2012 the lights were switched on during a live BBC One broadcast of the One Show, as part of a special Children In Need challenge.
Alex Jones and Matt Baker were joined by comedian John Bishop at the annual Christmas event.
In 2011, actor John Cleese took centre stage with HRH The Duchess of Cornwall switching them on in 2010.

Matt Baker and Alex Jones at the 2012 Switch-On ©NOW Bath News